CRM - iGlobe CRM Solution

Your company’s existence relies on personal relations and customer loyalty. iGlobe CRM Solution is a customer-driven application that ensures a total customer overview by giving a 360 angle view of the activities and the relationship to the Customer.



iGlobe is a unique and complete solution built on Microsoft Teams. iGlobe can be scaled up or down to support your business where it is today and where it is going tomorrow. No new and complicated systems – take advantage of the systems you are used to. The problem with many software programs is that they are often daunting for your organization to implement, learn and use. As a result, you and your employees spend more time on getting the software up and running properly rather than you do on meeting your customers' needs. The exact opposite of what you are trying to do. iGlobe is different. It leverages your existing Microsoft 365 infrastructure, allowing you to achieve positive results much faster, and at a fraction of the cost of many other solutions.


iGlobe is easy to use and quickly implemented. The intuitive and customizable tab driven interface allows you to easily navigate without extensive training. Its ease of use will insure the successful implementation of your project. iGlobe delivers rapid implementation, and smooth customization. You can install and use the application immediately "out-of-the-box" or extend, scale, personalize and configure it to fit the company's business needs.


iGlobe can easily adapt to specific business requirements. iGlobe CRM is a highly customizable CRM that won’t need any coding. We have built every aspect of our CRM to get you up-and-running quickly, while remaining flexible so it can be closely-tailored to match exactly how your team works. Do you need to add tabs or add new fields? It is just as simple as playing Lego. 

One click did the trick

"By building on our Office 365 platform and implementing iGlobe CRM, we have created a solution that realises the dream of ‘one click’ customer information management.” "

Bjørn SibbernCEO of Max Sibbern



iGlobe CRM allow you to manage the relationships you have with your customers, using a combination of people, processes and technology. It helps your business attain and retain happy customers. CRM is an overall strategy to help you to learn more about your customers and their behavior so you have the skills to develop stronger, lasting relationships which will benefit both you and your customers. A well-designed and familier user interface provides users a the ability to view all activities from e-mail communication, meetings, tasks, document management and pipeline management to contract management, a 360 degree vision of your customer, in a simple dashboard.

An extremely rapid deployment

"An extremely rapid deployment for a solution of this type. The speed of the implementation was partly due to the comprehensive out-of-the-box functionality provided by iGlobe CRM, and partly to the expertise of the consultants. Would highly recommend this application. "

Gorm Erich JensenWisepeople


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